New corporate restructuring rules are scheduled to take effect on 1 July 2022. In particular, they will introduce various new tools for restructurings and aims to improve the chances of success with restructurings.
We will start by briefly reviewing the more central regulatory changes and then Paul Kirkbright from Alvarez & Marsal will share his experience from international restructurings where similar rules are applied and shed light on the impact these rules might have on the negotiations between creditors, debtors and shareholders.
Paul Kirkbright from Alvarez & Marsal UK has many years of experience in finding solutions through scheme of arrangements and is a pioneer in implementing the new UK rules around the restructuring plan.
Karl Björlin from Cirio Advokatbyrå and Jonas Rickardsson from Alvarez & Marsal in Sweden, both board members of TMA Sweden, will head the event.
The event is held at Cirio Advokatbyrå at Mäster Samuelsgatan 20, 8 st, and you are welcome to join from 17.30. Drinks and light mingle food will be served. It will also be possible to attend the event online (shortly before the event, a link will be sent to those who have signed up).
The event will be held in English.